Canteen Meal Management System Solutions for Al-Rawabi

Canteen Meal Management System Solutions for Al-Rawabi

Al Rawabi Group is a Multinational organization with several nos of staff facilities require an efficient canteen management solution that provides easy meal and food management at their employee canteen facilities. It always brings a better convenience and comfort for the staff. Adapting a system for managing such staff canteen is so crucial for the organizations. Otherwise, companies with huge employees can come across facing a lot of difficulties.

Al Rawabi has developed a cutting-edge Meal swipe card solution for managing staff canteen and meal consumption management.

Business Requirement:

  • Systems that have multiple menu options are available on the canteen management system that can accommodate a huge list of menu items, increasing the variety of choice in a canteen.
  • A process that helps the company blocks or blacklists the employees who are no longer entitled to receive cafeteria services within the organization.
  • The canteen management system can help companies schedule a menu for various times of the day and different days of the week with a special menu for different events and occasions.
  • Detailed Meal Consumption reports need to be generated so payment for Canteen operator can be paid based on actual Meal Consumption.

Solution Offered:

  • This system allows proper management of meal vouchers of Al Rawabi employees.
  • It has proper management of menus, orders, and consumptions that can be a challenging task. So, a Canteen Meal Management system is for the proper record and management of consumptions.
  • The canteen operators can easily plan different menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner, special days, and different occasions.

Benefits of Canteen Meal Management System Solution:

  • Staff of the company can avail the facility to recharge their prepaid accounts with card terminals or smart card enrollment devices on their android POS as well.
  • This canteen management system assists companies to reduce food wastage by planning the day to day consumption from the information available or collected.
  • In the company, post-paid users can utilize only Meal smart card to order food in staff canteens.
  • Without the involvement of any network infrastructure, this system can work both online and offline as and when needed.