If your business operations rely on the internet in some way or the other then you should have a firewall security program, in fact you may have a firewall management program in place already since it is an essential element of all business operations. But what does firewall management entail and what exactly a firewall security is.
The word firewall initially referred to a wall, which was raised to thwart the spread of a fire. Let’s describe it in other words, in computing language- a firewall is a software that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic, based on a rule set, by inspecting the data packets and verifying whether they should be allowed through or not. It’s like a technological barrier to stop unauthorized communications between computer networks or hosts. It is similar to a physical firewall in the sense that firewall security blocks the increase of computer attacks.
How Does a Firewall Work? Two basic ways to configure a firewall management program are : –
- Default-deny policy. The firewall administrator lists the authorized network services and rest of the things are denied.
- Default-allow policy. The firewall administrator lists network services which are unauthorized and the rest of the things are accepted.
However, If you are looking for firewall solutions to maintain the security quotient without compromising your network performance. Then explore Firewall security solutions from AVI Infosys which are not limited technically and neither are they beyond your budget. It combines different facets of network security into a single solution that is all-inclusive and advanced. Moreover, it will reduce the cost of operating a secure enterprise network.