Access control system provides lots of advantages as compared to traditional locks and keys. Here are 6 key benefits of having an access control system:
1) Electronic Keys cannot be replicated
Replicating electronic keys need a high degree of skills unlike the physical keys which can be easily copied. Thus, access system is much safer as compared to physical keys.
2) No Replacement of the Locks
With an Access Control system, you don’t need to change the locks. A lost or stolen keycard can be deactivated, and a new key-card can be issued right away. Similarly, if your employee quits your company then his or her access rights can be immediately terminated. This further reduces the risk.
3) Remember Only One Key
You just need one single key or access code to get access of each door of your business premise, Hence no probability of forgetting the key.
4) Complete Details of Logging
Complete detail of time and date for every entry to your office is recorded for later review. This can be a very helpful tool for tracing response times or technical activities.
5) It is completely modifiable
With an access control system, you can set user-level and time zone access rights for each door. Therefore minimizes the risk by granting no unnecessary access to your office.
6) No Wastage of Time and Pocket Space
Access Control System is fast and superior. You don’t need to look through a Key-ring to find the right key, even no need to carry weighty rings of keys in your pocket or briefcase.