Time to break up with the Old Payroll methods


payroll software uaeTime to break up with the Old Payroll methods

Are you still using that typical punch card method to keep a check on your employees working hours then conventionally processing the payroll? Stop wasting your precious time; instead put it on the core business activities.

Since payroll software and time attendance management is quite complex tasks for any business enterprise. Fortune technology advancement that time attendance software  from AVI made  HRMs, Payroll tasks as easy and simple like never before.

It maintains an accurate record of your employees’ attendance and their log in/log out time.  It manages the daily Time In and Time Out of employees and produces various types of daily, weekly and monthly MIS reports which facilitate the payroll job. AVI’s Payroll Software can be fully integrated across your workforce management. By using the time clocks like proximity and biometrics it records the Time In of the employees then match up to the actual Time-in with the schedule shift timing. Then it runs a period end routine at the end of the day, week, fortnight or month. This helps estimate an accurate value of overtime and sickness leave. The evaluated timing data is presented to Payroll then.

Know more about AVI’s Payroll Time Attendance software solution; visit us on < http://www.avi-infosys.com/payroll-time-attendance.html > we are here to assist you with information and the technical data you may need to arrive at a decision.

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