Business has gone mobile. Particularly the smaller enterprises are now able to work on the move which has played vital role for their success. In fact, a recent report revealed that Wi-Fi access is now became as vital as basic utilities and enterprises will need to increase their deployment of Wi-Fi by 35 % by 2015 just to meet the demand, so now is a good time to start planning for your future wireless access.
We have now entered the second-wave of Wi-Fi. It is everywhere: in our homes, in our offices, and at the majority of other places that we frequently visit. Mobile workers are taking advantage of Wi-Fi. 60% of mobile workers actively used Wi-Fi on their Smartphone, 75% on their tablets, and 85% on their laptops. The security of a Wi-Fi connection is now vitally important especially for small business networks and these Wi-Fi access means and advantages evoked the need to pay close attention to it security and is now became a commercial imperative that no business enterprise can ignore.
Many businesses do not comprehend how exposed they is to become a target of criminals over their WiFi networks. Use WPA or WPA2 technology, for the safe and secure use of Wi-Fi network.